Movement is Life: Life is Sacred, Life is Abundant

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” – John 10:10 (NLT)

In this Healthier You Newsletter, I want to explore the sacred connection between our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Through movement, prayer, time spent in nature, and the daily habit of reading the Word, we can invite God’s presence into every aspect of our lives, ultimately enhancing our well-being.

The above verse speaks volumes about God’s plan for our lives. His desire is not merely for us to exist but to thrive—to live life to the fullest in every sense. This aligns beautifully with the concept that movement is life. It’s a reminder that, like the ebb and flow of creation, our bodies are designed for motion. When we embrace movement, we embrace life itself. It becomes an integral part of our journey toward living in alignment with God’s plan for us—body, mind, and spirit.

The Sacredness of Life: God’s Purpose for Us

John 10:10 is more than a promise—it is an invitation. Jesus promises us a “rich and satisfying life,” but this does not mean we are exempt from challenges, stress, or suffering. Instead, He calls us to live in harmony with the divine purpose He has set for us. Living fully means more than just taking care of our spiritual health; it involves a holistic approach that encompasses our bodies and minds. This is why I believe movement is sacred.

Our physical bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and just as we honor God through worship, prayer, and service, we honor Him when we care for the health and movement of our bodies.

Movement enables us to connect with life in a meaningful way—both in a biological sense and in a spiritual one. A sedentary lifestyle, often imposed by modern conveniences, can rob us of this connection, leading to both physical and emotional challenges. However, when we view movement as sacred, we begin to see every step, every breath, and every action as a gift from God.

Physical Wellbeing: Moving With Purpose

Many of us understand that physical movement is essential for maintaining our health. Whether it’s going for a walk, practicing strength training, or engaging in low-impact exercises like swimming or yoga, movement strengthens our muscles, supports heart health, and improves our overall physical endurance. But beyond the physical benefits, there’s something deeply spiritual about engaging in movement.

Let’s explore what movement really means and revitalize a 


Moving Toward a Life of Gratitude

Movement toward gratitude is a powerful shift that opens the door to experiencing life more abundantly, as Jesus promised in John 10:10. When we cultivate a grateful heart, we begin to see even the simplest moments of life as sacred—each breath, each step, and each encounter becomes a reflection of God’s grace. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have been blessed with, leading us to a deeper appreciation of the life God has given us. In this state of thankfulness, we are more aware of the abundance around us and more in tune with His divine purpose, allowing us to live with joy, peace, and a fuller sense of spiritual well-being.

One moment of gratitude dispels all the negativity within, even if it’s just for that one moment.  I practice gratitude because it not only helps me feel better but also because it makes me better.  I have found that better moments over time lead me to betterment.  I learn to appreciate even the smallest of things, knowing I can only think and feel one thing at a time.  I have even expressed gratitude for having access to gratitude itself.  I find that taking gratitude from a thought and feeling to the expression of journaling what I am grateful for has deepened my gratitude and the benefits it offers. 

Exercise is an act of worship

when we do it as unto Him. Moving our bodies allows us to live out God’s intention for us—to live a vibrant, energetic, and meaningful life. This can be as simple as a morning stretch or taking a walk in nature, where we see God’s handiwork all around us. Movement should not feel like an obligation or a chore; rather, it can be a way to feel alive and connected to the Creator.

I personally feel more connected to God in nature.  My wife and I enjoy time in Wisconsin during the turning of the leaves.  The vibrant colors are beautiful.  Not only is this a beautiful time for the year to be hiking, but it also represents a time of change.  We all seek meaningful change, and nature puts this on display year after year and season after season.  Taking time in nature to observe the wonders of God and His plan for you and those you love is a rewarding experience and one that can make you healthier.  

By making movement a daily part of our lives, we improve our physical strength and, in turn, open up new doors to live out our purpose. As our energy levels rise and our overall health improves, we are better equipped to navigate through change, serve others, engage with the community, and fulfill the unique calling God has placed on each of our lives.

Emotional Wellbeing: The Power of God’s Creation and Nature

It’s easy to forget the healing power of nature in the fast pace of modern life. Many of us spend hours inside, surrounded by artificial light and screens. Yet, creation itself is a gift from God. Stepping into nature reminds us that life is dynamic, always moving and changing in its own sacred rhythm.

Psalm 19:1-4 (NLT) says, “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day, they continue to speak; night after night, they make him known.” When we spend time in nature, we are immersed in God’s majesty and beauty, and it can deeply restore our emotional health.

The calming effects of a walk in the woods, the peaceful sounds of a flowing river, or the majesty of a mountain landscape can do wonders for our emotional well-being. In nature, we often find peace that transcends understanding. The very act of breathing in fresh air can reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional tension. When we align ourselves with God’s creation, we begin to see life from His perspective—full of beauty, peace, and grace.

Spiritual Wellbeing: Prayer and Time in the Word

While movement and time in nature help us maintain our physical and emotional well-being, our spiritual well-being requires even more intentional focus. In a world filled with noise and distractions, seeking God’s guidance in our lives can feel like a difficult task. Yet, prayer and time in God’s Word are key components in living a life that reflects His plan for us.

When we set aside time to seek God’s presence through prayer, we find clarity, strength, and purpose. Prayer is a conversation with the Creator, allowing us to express our needs, fears, and joys while also listening for His still, small voice. In moments of uncertainty or weariness, prayer can become a refuge that renews our minds and spirits.

The Bible is also a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we invite God to speak to our hearts. Whether we’re reading stories of perseverance, verses of encouragement, or wisdom about navigating life’s challenges, God’s Word offers us timeless advice for our everyday lives.

The Interconnectedness of Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

As we consider our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, it’s clear that these elements are deeply interconnected. God has designed us to live as whole beings. When we are intentional about nurturing each aspect of our lives, we can move toward the rich and satisfying life that Jesus promised.

  1. Physical Wellbeing: Through movement, we care for the bodies that God has given us, enhancing our physical strength and stamina so we can continue to serve Him and others.
  2. Emotional Wellbeing: By immersing ourselves in nature and taking time to rest, we allow God’s creation to remind us of His peace and presence, calming our hearts and minds.
  3. Spiritual Wellbeing: Through prayer and reading the Bible, we strengthen our connection with God, allowing His guidance to shape our decisions, emotions, and actions.

When all three aspects of our being are in harmony, we experience the fullness of life that God has promised. This harmony allows us to not only live out our own purpose but also to be a beacon of God’s light and love to those around us.

Practical Steps to Enhance Your Wellbeing

As you reflect on your own health journey, I encourage you to incorporate these practical steps into your daily routine:

  • Daily Movement: Whether it’s a morning walk, an afternoon stretch, or an evening workout, make movement a priority each day. Set small goals and celebrate the gift of a body in motion.
  • Connect with Nature: Take time each week to step outside and immerse yourself in God’s creation. Whether it’s a short walk in your local park or a weekend hike, let nature soothe your soul.
  • Spend Time in Prayer: Dedicate time each day to quiet prayer. Use this as an opportunity to share your heart with God and ask for His guidance in all areas of your life.
  • Read the Bible: Make Scripture a daily habit. Start with a chapter or a few verses and reflect on how God is speaking to you through His Word.

By integrating these steps into your daily life, you are opening the door to greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Movement Is Life, Life Is Sacred

In closing, I want to remind you that movement is life, and life is sacred. Every step we take, every prayer we offer, and every moment spent in God’s creation brings us closer to His purpose for our lives. God has given us the gift of life, and it is up to us to nurture and honor that gift by caring for our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.

As you progress in your health journey, remember that God’s plan for you is not just to survive but to thrive, to live fully, and to experience the richness of life in Him.

Connect with Trivita’s Movement is Life Challenge by sharing your memorable moments enjoying healthy activities by Sharing it on TriVita’s Facebook page.  Participants sharing their experiences on the TriVita Facebook page will be entered to win a 1 year supply of any product of choice.  See details for more information.

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