Keep Heart During Heart Month

Tackle your health resolutions with supplements

Most of the New Year Resolution excitement has faded or has been long forgotten. Whether you planned to exercise more, eat right, lose weight, quit a bad habit, get out of debt, spend more time with God, etc. tackling all your health resolutions at once can be overwhelming. The best part about lasting change is it is about progress over perfection. 

Proverbs 24:16 encourages us by saying: “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, but the wicked stumble in time of calamity.” 

There’s no better time than right now to rise up again and start or pick back up where you left off!

Our advice? Ensure you get an adequate amount of daily nutrients by setting up helpful reminders. While we try and get these nutrients from our food, supplementing can help bridge any gap in nutrition. That is one aspect of physical health that can get overlooked with the hustle and bustle of life and what the day brings. We each have our own supplement routine that we want to share with you. We may miss a day here and there, or we may make-up for more days than we miss. We want you to share your routine with us too. Email us anytime at We’d love to hear from you! 

Susan’s Supplement Plan

Taking my supplements daily is a big part of my wellness program.

It’s so easy to miss a day when I have them tucked away in a drawer!

My solution has been to pack my supplements in a variety of small, pretty containers. Each evening, I put out my supplements for the following morning and evening and I look at the pleasant containers on my counter or desk as my reminder to take my supplements with a nice goblet and plenty of water.

I’ve learned over the years that sometimes the small things can make all the difference  in forming a good and healthy habit!

Chelsea’s Supplement Plan

“Out of sight, out of mind” rings true for me. In my kitchen, you’ll find a bead container full of all my daily vitamins in separate little compartments, some of them have to partner up because it’s a smaller case. 

When spending time with Mom at the ranch years back, I noticed she had a pretty cool method to remind her to take her supplements. She placed them in pretty glass dishes! I adopted the pretty container idea to hold my daily supplements so it reminds me every time I see it that my supplements are waiting for me to take them.

 I’ll take my supplements out in the morning from my container (or after dinner clean up the night before) and take them as needed. After my morning workout, I’ll open up my balanced woman, aqua algae and elderberry capsules into my morning shake…I’m not the best pill taker so this helps me cut down on what I need to take each day.

Annie’s Supplement Plan

I have arranged and rearranged my vitamins and supplements countless times, trying to find a better solution to help keep me consistent. From a shelf in the kitchen pantry, to a basket in a laundry room and every place in between—I’ve tried them all. Finally, I found a solution! Some say spice rack, but I say the pullout kitchen cabinet next to the fridge is the BEST place for supplements! I am able to easily see the labels for a quick “grab and go.” Speaking of grab and go, watch for TriVita’s new flip-top caps to make it even easier to stick to a routine. Promeric is the first to make the switch! 

I like to split up my vitamin supplementation by taking some products in the morning and others at night. You now know I grab my morning ones from the pullout kitchen cabinet. My night time vitamins, I leave next to the sink on my bathroom counter, making it part of my bedtime routine. My favorites for nighttime are the Vitamin C tablets and Vitamin C crystals, for health and for vanity reasons! Did you know, Vitamin C helps build collagen which leads to firmer skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles? I sprinkle in a teaspoon of the crystals in my face wash for a little DIY facial scrub and the tablets for added support. Having them next to my sink is a foolproof reminder! 

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Multi Collagen
Fiberzon POWDER
MyoHealth Orange Powder
Super Greens Plus
Prostate Health Formula
Vital C Tablets
Balanced Woman
Apple Cider Vinegar ACV gummies product label
peaceful sleep gummies product label
Super B12 Slow Dissolve Tablets
elderberry updated
Nitric Oxide Plus