What is Homeostasis and Why Does it Matter to Me?

By Tammy Pon, M.D. When I reflect upon TriVita’s Essentials for Health and Wellness, the word “homeostasis” comes to mind. The goal of the Essentials is to help people “experience wellness,” which goes beyond supporting our biochemistry with nutrients and exercise.It includes emotional and spiritual health, all wrapped up together to help us stay in […]

The Connection Between C-Reactive Protein, Inflammation and Heart Disease

Why you should ask your doctor for a CRP test By Lester Adler, M.D., M.D.H. For all the ways bodies are harmed, by viruses, bacteria or trauma, the immune system has but one defense: inflammation. Just a hard pinch will initiate swelling, redness, heat and pain. Specialized cells rush to the call ready to engulf […]

How to Get a Job… After Retirement

Once upon a time, the “retirement years” evoked images of RV travel, hobbies galore and a general life of leisure. Today, expectations are completely different for those entering “retirement age.” Recent research from the TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies shows that a whopping 82% of those in their 60s expect to, or are already, working […]

Why is Your Blood Pressure Such a Big Deal?

By Daniela Radulescu, M.D. Blood pressure matters because when it’s too high it can lead to serious health problems: heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney disease. That’s why statistics from the U.S., many Western nations and Australia on high blood pressure in adults are alarming—about one in three adults have high blood pressure, or […]

8 Ways to Make Summer Grilling Healthier

By Christa Orecchio For many of us, summer eating means outdoor cooking and lots of barbeques. Grilling is a longtime fun tradition for so many of us—but did you know there are healthy and unhealthy ways to grill? When we grill using high heat, proteins in meat and fish can get converted to something called […]

Mitochondria—The Key to Human Longevity

Mitochrondria is an intimidating word that’s thrown around a lot in medical websites and journals, but how many of us really understand its importance? Mitochondria are simply the tiny factories in each of our cells that turn the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe into energy. Aging speeds up when the communication breaks […]

Spiritual health: Are You Getting The Whole Picture?

By Chaplain Donna Kafer “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” ~ Psalm 139:13-14 When it comes to caring for our physical, mental and emotional well-being, we’re usually pretty […]

Seven Secrets to Turbocharge Your brain

By Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D. The brain is the most powerful, most staggeringly complex electro-biochemical machine ever created. Above and behind our eyes are 100 billion neurons in a small calcium shell, laced with organic pumps, channels and switches. Until recently, this complicated organ was thought to be static and unchangeable. Far from it. The […]

5 Vitamins You May Be Missing After 40

As we age, the single most beneficial thing we can do for our health is to eat a balanced diet. It is important to choose foods that nourish bones and muscles, support a healthy heart and brain while avoiding an unbalanced diet that will rob you of your vitality. A nutritious diet should include a […]

Muscle Loss Linked to Chronic Inflammation

Many physiological changes occur with aging, and recent research shows that sarcopenia and loss of overall muscle strength can be added to the list of health concerns associated with unaddressed inflammation. Recent research shows that age-related chronic low-grade inflammation is a contributing factor to sarcopenia and affects both the breakdown and synthesis of muscle. Older […]

Member Spotlight – Marie de Haan

Blessed Beyond Measure “God put all the right people in my life at the right time. It was incredible!” Marie de Haan grew up in Skagit County, Washington and loves the area. It has everything from the ocean to the desert and beautiful mountains for hiking. “My husband and I bought a fixer upper 20 […]

Secrets to Extending Your Quality of Life

One of the fascinating studies I did recently was on extending quality of life. I decided to research centenarians and get their advice. Anyone who is living past 100 and can get in front of a camera to describe how to live life with enjoyment and health is worth listening to. As one lady who […]

Exercise for Energy: Fight Fatigue and Pump Up Your Health

Energy boosting workouts that anyone can do, anytime! You might be surprised to learn that one of the best antidotes for fatigue is to exercise more, not less! Experts say, when it comes to fighting fatigue, just getting up and walking around will increase energy. But all exercise isn’t not created equal. A study published […]

The CoQ-10 and Statin Connection

CoEnzyme Q-10

Cholesterol-lowering medications can deplete your body of this vital nutrient If you are like one of the millions of people taking a statin drug, there’s some important information you should know: Statins are known to reduce levels of CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10), a nutrient that helps fuel your entire body. CoEnzyme Q-10 is a fat-soluble, vitamin-like […]

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Putting You at Risk for a Vitamin B-12 Deficiency?

Prevent critical nutrient deficiencies when eating gluten-free Researchers have long known that a strict vegetarian/vegan diet can lead to Vitamin B-12 deficiency, but vegetarians and vegans aren’t the only ones at risk. Individuals following a gluten-free diet may be susceptible to key nutrient deficiencies as well. In 2013, a study assessed the nutritional status of […]

Member Spotlight – Laura Burford

In The Pursuit Of Wellness “I have hope again and am motivated to continue my health journey. With TriVita there, I feel like I am not alone in this!” Laura Burford, Member since 2004, hardly ever visited the doctor. She always felt “fine” and never saw the need, until she received routine health screening at […]

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