B Vitamins: Anti-inflammatory Superheroes B6, B9 and B12

Welcome to the world of vitamins, where tiny molecules make big impacts on our health! The following spotlights our three superheroes: vitamins B6, B9 and B12. You might wonder, “What’s so special about these vitamins?” Well, let’s dive into their superpowers, especially how they help fight off the bad guy known as “inflammation.” What is […]

A Treasure from the Desert: The Nopalea Superfruit

Do creaky knees and aching joints sound all too familiar? You’re not alone. Arthritis affects more than 6 million Canadians — more than diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke combined. One in five adults across the nation deals with joint pain or chronic inflammation, and the numbers are on the rise. If you’re looking for […]

Overcoming the Cytokine Inflammademic

Written by Paul Bernitt, DHH Director of Wellness Services You Deserve a Better Life Medical experts around the globe agree that chronic inflammation is one of the greatest health risks to humanity. Let’s face it, we live in a high-stress, inflamed world. We’re exposed to highly-processed foods and drinks, chemicals, pathogens and isolation, which can […]

What's an Omega-3 Index And Why is it Important to Your Health?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential and required for human life. While many know the importance of omega fatty acids as part of a healthy lifestyle, it hasn’t been clear how low amounts of fatty acids in the blood are also linked to all types of death including heart disease and cancer until now.

Nitric Oxide Keeps Your Blood Flowing

There is so much noise out there about stress and bad news leading to high blood pressure, it’s important to keep an eye on our own. High blood pressure occurs when the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high.

The Sky is the Limit with Optimal Levels of Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide is a gas produced by the body and it is produced by almost all human cells. It is made naturally in our bodies and plays a vital role in signaling between cells, neurotransmission and immune response, to name just a few. Because of nitric oxide’s systemic effect, it is important to understand what this miracle molecule is and how to maintain and improve the body’s ability to produce it throughout our lifetime.

Latest Study Indicates Low Omega-3 Index Linked to Premature Death

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential and required for human life. While many know the importance of omega fatty acids as part of a healthy lifestyle, it hasn’t been clear how low amounts of fatty acids in the blood are also linked to all types of death including heart disease and cancer until now. A recent […]

The Cytokine Storm and What You Need to Know

Today, medical experts around the globe agree chronic inflammation is a great risk to humanity. In this article, you’ll learn about inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses of small proteins called cytokines and their role in stimulating immune response in the body. While inflammation is an essential part of a healthy immune system, chronic and uncontrolled inflammation can lead to serious illnesses.

This One Blood Test Could Save Your Life

Inflammation is a hot topic. It’s in the news, making magazine covers and maybe your doctor has even discussed the effects of chronic inflammation with you. But this wasn’t always the case. It wasn’t until recently that scientists discovered that inflammation is at the root of many degenerative diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s and even cancer.

Inflammation Quiz — Is Your Lifestyle Hurting Your Health?

Acute inflammation is an essential part of the body’s healing process. Inflammation occurs at the cellular level when the immune system tries to fight off disease-causing germs or debris from an injury and repair damaged tissue. Once the fight is over the inflammation-triggering substances are supposed to retreat. However, when they don’t, it destroys the […]

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