Inflammation Quiz — Is Your Lifestyle Hurting Your Health?

Acute inflammation is an essential part of the body’s healing process. Inflammation occurs at the cellular level when the immune system tries to fight off disease-causing germs or debris from an injury and repair damaged tissue. Once the fight is over the inflammation-triggering substances are supposed to retreat. However, when they don’t, it destroys the […]

Three Easy Ways to Reduce Inflammation with Exercise

When it comes to managing inflammation, there isn’t one thing that will work. Instead, it’s essential to turn your focus to every aspect of your lifestyle. Eat a healthy diet full of anti-inflammatory foods, reduce stress, supplement wisely and choose the right types of exercise. One study followed over 4,000 middle-aged men and women for […]

At the “Heart” of Good Health: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

By Samuel Grief, M.D. Scientists often discover health breakthroughs by good luck and circumstance. In the 1960s a researcher studied why Canada’s northern Eskimos weren’t suffering from heart disease as much as other North Americans, even though the Eskimos were eating a diet very high in fat (seal and polar bear flesh). It turned out […]

The Connection Between C-Reactive Protein, Inflammation and Heart Disease

Why you should ask your doctor for a CRP test By Lester Adler, M.D., M.D.H. For all the ways bodies are harmed, by viruses, bacteria or trauma, the immune system has but one defense: inflammation. Just a hard pinch will initiate swelling, redness, heat and pain. Specialized cells rush to the call ready to engulf […]

Muscle Loss Linked to Chronic Inflammation

Many physiological changes occur with aging, and recent research shows that sarcopenia and loss of overall muscle strength can be added to the list of health concerns associated with unaddressed inflammation. Recent research shows that age-related chronic low-grade inflammation is a contributing factor to sarcopenia and affects both the breakdown and synthesis of muscle. Older […]

4 Ways to Ease Inflammation (That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of!)

Inflammation is a hot topic, and for good reason! An inflamed body can show up as so many health conditions: an achy body, weight gain, low energy and even aging faster!1 Here are 4 sneaky ways that you can help to ease and even prevent inflammation: Ban Electronics From The Bedroom Gadgets are a part […]

The Benefits of Fish Oil

How adding fish oil to your diet can help All saturated and monosaturated fats can be made by the body and do not need to be supplied through the diet. However, the body is unable to make two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that have been shown to have much beneficial health effects1: Alpha-linolenic […]

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