Treat Allergies and Asthma Safely and Naturally

Over-the-counter and prescription medications may provide temporary relief from allergy symptoms but are not deeply effective or provide a lasting solution. Immunotherapy boosts the body’s natural defenses using safe and natural low-dose serum to restore the body’s innate immune function.

Nutrition Does Matter!

A recent study on the benefits of fish oil and Vitamin D was released by the Council for Responsible Nutrition. The study results were also published by The New England Journal of Medicine titled The Vitamin D and Omega -3 Trial (VITAL). There are times when specific nutrients deserve our attention. Studies like this one […]

There Is Only One New Year’s Resolution You Should Keep

I heard a great quote the other day, and while I did not catch the source, it is worth repeating as we enter a new year. It went like this, “You may not be able to step back and start over, but you can step back and begin a new ending.” Life is not about living in the glories or regrets of the past or projecting them onto the future. Life is best lived in the power of NOW!

The Power to Get Well and Stay Well

For hundreds of years, it was a common belief that the world was flat, that man would never walk on the moon and that each person born was given a set of genes and we were incapable of altering our genetic expression. It was believed that our genes predetermined our predispositions of health, weight and behavior.

Today we know the Earth is round, and we have choices to make regarding our wellness.

Member Spotlight: Brandon MacCartney

Powering Through the Day Brandon MacCartney, TriVita Member since 2017, has always been interested in health and nutrition. “I have studied nutrition since I was a senior in high school. I love learning about nutrition and how amazing God created the body! The more I learn, the more I know God created the body with […]

Celebrities on Adaptogens

Traditional medicine is making a comeback and adaptogens are taking center stage. Integrative medicine experts, wellness gurus and holistic nutritionists are all talking about adaptogens and their many benefits including glowing skin, more energy and less stress. Actors, Actresses and social media celebrities are at the forefront of sharing the benefits of adaptogens. But what […]

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Multi Collagen
Fiberzon POWDER
MyoHealth Orange Powder
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Prostate Health Formula
Vital C Tablets
Balanced Woman
Apple Cider Vinegar ACV gummies product label
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