Hearing God’s Voice in an Ever-Changing World

by Paul Bernitt, DHH

Hearing God’s Voice in an Ever-Changing World

I can recall times of life as a pastor, father, husband, and health practitioner when I needed to hear God’s voice.  There are times when I have been withdrawn and unattentive to God’s voice for a variety of reasons.  As I have matured, I have recognized the difference between hearing His voice and being coulded with something else.  I have learned to take time daily to hear His voice and to follow through with His will in my life even when it feels uncomfortable. I have come to realize that I am not my own, I have been bought with a price and I must stay attentive to His will for my life for not only my personal benefit but also for the benefit of all I come in contact with.

In today’s fast-paced world, we are surrounded by endless noise. Social media, television, news, and even our daily interactions constantly tell us what to think, how to live, and where to find happiness. But in the middle of all this noise, there is one voice we cannot afford to miss—God’s voice. In John 10:27-28, Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

This passage powerfully reminds us of God’s deep love for us and promises that we are His forever. More importantly, it offers guidance on how we can live in a world where Christian values are increasingly challenged and questioned. As believers, it’s vital that we hear God’s voice above the noise and distractions of the world. Let’s explore why hearing His voice is so important and practical steps we can take to stay connected to God in an ever-changing world.

The World’s Noise vs. God’s Voice

Imagine standing in a crowded room where everyone is talking at once. It’s hard to hear one specific person, right? This is what it’s like to live in a world where so many voices are competing for our attention. The world tells us that success, money, and fame are the only things that matter. It pushes worldly values that often contradict the teachings of Christ. The Worldly carnal views push us to focus on material things, pursue selfish ambitions, and live for ourselves.

But God’s voice calls us to a different way of living. He calls us to a life of love, peace, and purpose that is centered on Him. Hearing God’s voice means tuning out the world’s carnal messages and focusing on His truth. It means prioritizing His Word and listening for His guidance in every area of our lives so we will know what to do when we need to do it for our personal benefit and the benefit of those around us. While the world’s values may change, God’s voice remains constant, offering us direction, wisdom, and peace.

God Knows Us and Our Struggles

One of the most comforting parts of John 10:27-28 is when Jesus says, “I know them.” This means that God knows us personally—our fears, challenges, and hopes. In a world where it often feels like we are just another face in the crowd, it’s incredible to realize that the Creator of the universe knows each one of us intimately. He not only knows us, but He lives in us to help and guide us along life’s journey.  Because He lives in us He knows and feels what we are going through, the struggles we face, and the pressure we feel to conform to the voices of the world’s values.

In modern society, it can be especially difficult to stand firm in our Christian beliefs. Our faith is constantly being tested and questioned. But we don’t face these challenges alone. God understands what we are up against and promises to walk with us and in us through every trial and lead us to a deeper understanding of Him and His Divine purpose in it all. In fact, the very challenges we face and overcome strengthen our relationship with Him, as we learn to trust His voice for guidance and comfort.

Following God’s Lead in a Challenging World

Hearing God’s voice is the first step, but it’s not enough by itself. Jesus also says in John 10:27, “They follow me.” Following God means trusting Him, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. It means making choices that align with His Word, even when the world around us is heading in a different direction.

In today’s culture, where Christian values are often misunderstood or rejected, it can be tempting to go along with the crowd. But following God means we must stand firm in our faith and share the light we have been freely given with others. This might look different for each of us. It could mean being kind to someone who has hurt us, standing up for the Truth of God’s Word, or simply living with integrity when no one else is watching.

By following God, we are choosing to live a life that honors Him above all else. This may come with challenges, but it also brings things money cannot buy, such as hope, peace, and greater purpose. We know that when we follow Jesus, we are walking the path He has set out for us—a path that leads to eternal life.

The Gift of Eternal Life

Jesus says in John 10:28, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.” This is one of the greatest promises we have as Christians. Eternal life is not something we can earn; it’s a gift from God through Jesus Christ. By accepting Jesus as our Savior and following Him, we are given the promise of a life with God that never ends.

This promise gives us hope, especially in difficult times. In a constantly changing world where nothing seems certain, we can hold on to the unchanging promise of eternal life. I can assure you that after you go to Heaven and are there for about 100 billion years, you won’t fret over the temporary difficulties you experienced here. This life on earth is temporary, but our life with God is forever. No matter what we face here, we know that our future is secure in Christ.

Protected as God’s Children

The final part of John 10:28 is a powerful assurance: “No one will snatch them out of my hand.” Once we belong to God, we are His and He is ours forever. We are safe in His hands, and nothing can separate us from His love and His generous favor. This promise is especially important in a world that often feels uncertain and unstable. As God’s children, we are under His protection. Just like a good father looks after his children, God watches over us as His children to guide us and keep us safe.

Even though we may face challenges and difficulties in life, we can trust that God is always with us. We don’t need to fear the future because the future is secure in His love. He has promised to protect us and to lead us through every storm.

Practical Steps to Hear God’s Voice

So how do we hear God’s voice in such a noisy world? Here are some practical steps to help us stay connected to Him:

  1. Spend Time in Prayer: Set aside daily time to pray and listen for God’s guidance. Prayer is a conversation, and it’s important to listen as much as we talk.
  2. Read the Bible Regularly: God speaks to us through His Word. Make Bible reading a daily habit and ask God to reveal His truth to you through Scripture.
  3. Practice Stillness and Silence: In the busyness of life, find moments of quiet to be still before God. This is where we often hear Him the clearest.
  4. Seek Godly Counsel: Surround yourself with other believers who can encourage and support you in your faith. Sometimes, God speaks through the wisdom of others.
  5. Keep a Prayer Journal: Writing down your prayers and any insights from God can help you see how He is working in your life.
  6. Worship and Praise: Worship connects us to God’s heart and helps us focus on Him, making it easier to hear His voice.
  7. Pay Attention to God’s Creation: Being in nature can help us hear God more clearly. Take time to enjoy His creation and listen for His voice.
  8. Obey Promptings from the Holy Spirit: When you feel a nudge to do something good, follow it. Obeying these promptings helps you recognize God’s voice more easily.
  9. Be Patient and Persistent: Hearing God’s voice takes time. Be patient and keep seeking Him, even when you don’t hear Him right away.
  10. Listen:  God is always speaking.  Take time to intentionally listen.


In a world where Christian values are being constantly challenged, it is more important than ever to hear God’s voice and follow Him. His voice brings peace, guidance, and protection, and His promises offer hope in uncertain times to you and those you come in contact with. As we seek to hear Him, let’s remember that God knows us, loves us, is leading us, and is in us. No matter what we face, we can rest in the assurance that we are His, and nothing can snatch us out of His hand. Let’s make hearing and following God’s voice the foundation of our lives, trusting in His promise of eternal life and the security of being His beloved children.


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